''We Will Never Forget''
”One Empty Seat” the POW-MIA National Chair of Honor Program
Joe D’Entremont, a locksmith from Boston and a member of Rolling Thunder®, Inc., is very committed to the POW/MIA issue and Rolling Thunder®, Inc.’s mission statement. After seeing a seat purposely left empty at the Bristol, TN race track for American service members who were POW/MIA, Joe was determined that Massachusetts would be the first state in the nation to have POW/MIA chairs in all their professional sports venues.
As a Marine Corps Vietnam combat veteran working as a professional photographer and speaking on behalf of over 81,000 “Still Missing” US service personnel started planning on how to place “One Empty Seat” the POW-MIA National Chair of Honor in and around the Philadelphia area.
Patrick's argument is brief and to the point: “To all who see them, This Empty Chair will serve as an instant reminder of all the sacrifices made for 'Our Country' by these still missing American servicemen who have for too long been forgotten by all but their immediate families and some close friends”.
Gregory A. Bee, VA Cemetery director along Veterans groups, supporters groups including 'A Hero's Welcome' helped in placing this Chair of Honor.
Delaware Veterans Memorial Cemetery located at 26669 Patriots Way, Millsboro, Delaware 19966 302-934-5653
The Veterans of Foreign Wars, Mint Canyon Memorial #6110 located at 16555 Sierra Highway, Canyon Country, CA 91351 was the recipient of a POW/MIA Chair of Honor on Saturday, August 26, 2017.
This meaningful memorial was unveiled by Commander Ray Smith and Quartermaster Joe Karl. VFW Post 6110 Mint Canyon Memorial
On August 26, 2017 at Chapter 101 Boozefighters Motor Cycle Clubhouse located at 16555 Sierra Hwy. Canyon Country, CA members David St Peter U.S.M.C. Vietnam Vet and Curtis Webster U.S.M.C. unveiled their POW/MIA Chair of Honor.
“This chair dedication will serve as a constant reminder of those who did not return,” said Robert Patrick, a member of the Boozefighters Motor Cycle Club. “Our freedom we enjoy was not free.”
This POW/MIA Missing Man Chair signifies the more than 82,000 prisoners of war, and those missing in action, as well as the impact on millions of their surviving relatives. The chair will remain perpetually unoccupied in honor of those heroes who remain missing.
On Thursday evening, September 7, 2017 in the Town of Bethany Beach, DE at the Bandstand Plaza Flag Pole area a POW/MIA Chair Of Honor was dedicated for those “still missing” American servicemen. Adjutant General Michael Berry was the Key Note speaker.
Land Component Commander Col Phillip Croall was instrumental in getting the National Guard along with the Color Guard and all military present
Thanks to “A Hero's Welcome” Rosely Robinson for making this happen.
Delaware has now placed 28 POW/MIA Chairs of Honor.
“This Empty Chair will serve as an instant reminder of all the sacrifices made for 'Our Country' by these still missing American servicemen who have for too long been forgotten by all but their immediate families and some close friends”.
And thanks to Bethany Beach Mayor Jack Gordon, Major Andrew Werner, Chaplain, Delaware National Guard, Brigadier General Michael R. Berry, Land Component Commander, Rebecca Bristow, Miss Teen Milford, Hogs And Heroes Foundation and Rolling Thunder® Inc.
Glen Mills, Pennsylvania – On September 15, 2017 prior to the Garnet Valley High School football game versus Penncrest High School at 7pm, the Garnet Valley School District celebrated POW/MIA National Day of Recognition by dedicating a POW/MIA Chair of Honor.
Brigadier General Daniel Van Wyk (Ret.) representing Bethel VFW unveiled this meaningful memorial the POW-MIA National Chair Of Honor.
In the lobby of Garnet Valley High School rest their POW-MIA National Chair Of Honor.
The empty chair serves as an instant reminder of all of the sacrifices made for “Our Country” by these still missing American Servicemen.
Upper Darby Preforming Arts Center at 601 N Lansdowne Ave, Drexel Hill, PA 19026.
A longtime community theater offering a variety of plays and summer programs at Upper Darby High School dedicated a POW/MIA National Chair of Honor.
On October 7, 2017 Upper Darby Mayor Thomas N. Micozzie unveiled this meaning memorial.
Rebecca Bristow, Sussex Central Class of 2018 was the main force in placing two POW/MIA Chairs of Honor at her High School. Dedicated October 20, 2017.
This “One Empty Seat” is permanently on display in the lobby of Sussex Central High School 26026 Patriots Way, Georgetown, DE 19947..
S Sgt. Tim Jones (U.S. Army Ret.) unveiled Suxxex Central High School stadium POW-MIA Chair of Honor prior to the start of Friday Night Lights football game.
Sussex Central High School in Georgetown DE is the first High School in the state of Delaware to honor our “still missing” over 82,000 American servicemen by dedicating a POW/MIA National Chair of Honor.
Rebecca Bristow's father has made a custom display enclosure for this outdoor stadium Chair of Honor.
Special thanks goes out to all supporters who helped this High School student make this all possible.
Former Korean War POW David W. Mills who was just 17 years old, when he was wounded nine times, twice in the head, six times in the legs and once in the arm helped in the unveiling of Cabela's Hamburg, PA POW/MIA National Chair of Honor on November 3, 2017.
Thru the efforts of Ron Leh, Marketing Manager Cabela's Hamburg this POW/MIA National Chair of Honor was dedicated.
The Delaware Technical Community College Terry Campus unveiled a permanently displayed POW/MIA Chair of Honor during a ceremony on November 6, 2017 outside the main entrance of the Terry Building on campus, 100 Campus Drive, Dover.
Les Link (on Left), a Vietnam Veteran paid for the cost of this chair, plaque and stand.
With the dedication, the campus will join the Rolling Thunder Inc. POW/MIA Chair of Honor Program, which is intended to bring daily reminders of prisoners of war or missing in action issues. The chair, which is black with the POW/MIA logo on it, is to remain perpetually empty to help people remember that even though the soldiers are not here, there is a space for them. Thank you to Rosily Robinson and 'A Hero's Welcome'
November 6, 2017 at the University of Delaware, Trabant University Center Lounge, Newark, DE. Major Brian Babcock-Lumish spoke about the meaning of the “missing Man table” and leaving “One Empty Seat” aka POW/MIA National Chair of Honor.
University of Delaware Brooks Raup Veteran Services Coordinator was our point of contact for placing this meaningful memorial.
“One Empty Seat”, the POW/MIA National Chair Of Honor Dedication at the Capitol Building Emancipation Hall on November 8, 2017.
This movement got started: by Joe D’Entremont, a locksmith from Boston and a member of Rolling Thunder®, Inc., Joe is very committed to the POW/MIA issue and Rolling Thunder®, Inc.’s mission statement. After seeing a seat purposely left empty at the Bristol, TN race track for American service members who were POW-MIA, Joe was determined that Massachusetts would be the first state in the nation to have POW-MIA chairs in all their professional sports venues and throughout the United States.
Joe D’Entremont had gotten his Massachusetts Congressman Stephen F. Lynch, 9th District ( HR-1670 ) and Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren ( S-885 ) to introduce legislation that was unanimously passed to place this POW/MIA Chair of Honor in the Capitol rotunda.
Rolling Thunder® Inc. National Chapter paid for All expenses in placing this Chair of Honor.
On the Marine Corps Birthday, November 10, 2017 at Philadelphia International Airport a POW/MIA Chair Of Honor was dedicated.
Airport CEO Chellie Cameron hosted this event. Honored guest were U.S. Rep. Bob Brady, Mayor Jim Kenney, PA State Rep. Maria Donatucci, PA State Rep. Martina White, Patrick J. Hughes ( U.S.M.C. Vietnam ) and former Vietnam POW Ralph Galati ( U.S. Air Force ).
Stopped by Philadelphia International Airport to see how their Chair of Honor looks with it's protective housing. It looks amazing and will be moved from one display area to another.
A custom case has been made for this POW/MIA Chair of Honor display. It is portable and will be on permanent display throughout the numerous Airports terminals.
On November 15, 2017 the First Federal Credit Union in the U.S.A. unveiled their “One Empty Seat” the POW/MIA National Chair of Honor at Merck Sharp & Dohme FCU in Lansdale, PA
Unveiling this Chair of Honor was Domenic DiPillo, VP of Marketing, Mayor Andrew Szekely spoke about the meaning of remembering these POW/MIA's and their Families.
Of course the Marines were on hand. Pat McKernan (Vietnam) and Officer Joe Gary. (Iraq/Afghanistan).
Before the start of the November 16, 2017 NFL Thursday Night Football Game vs Tennessee Titans at Heinz Field, home to the Pittsburgh Steelers, Rocky Bleier (Vietnam Vet, four time Super Bowl Champion) helped in the dedication of their POW/MIA Chair Of Honor.
Was honored to present one of Joe D'Entremont's POW/MIA Chair Of Honor t-shirts to NFL Hall of Fame player and Vietnam Veteran Rocky Bleier.
Heroes Night, April 12, 2018 a POW MIA Chair of Honor dedication at the Iron Pigs Home Opener. THE POW MIA chair will be located in the 'batters eye' view to the right of the outfield by our American Flag.
Marines Colyer V. James ( Vietnam, Desert Storm ), from the Lehigh Valley Marine Corps League and Paul Rapp were honored guest and unveiled this “One Empty Seat”, the POW/MIA National Chair of Honor.
“One Empty Seat”, the twenty third (23) POW/MIA National Chair of Honor was unveiled / dedicated at Eisenberg Elementary School in the State of Delaware on April 27, 2018.
Dedicated by Kamirah McClymont in honor of their mother Shamere Warren 12 yrs. Army, and Grandmother Msgt Merriella McMillian, 31 yrs. Army
Marine Chief Warrant Officer Morgan Bahr unveiled this meaning memorial at the Delaware Military Academy on May 17, 2018
The placement of this Chair of Honor at DMA, Delaware Military Academy was through the work and efforts of Cadet Evan Fallon as part oh his Eagle Scout project.
In wheel chair World War II former POW Dominick DeMidio, who was captured while parachuting with the 82nd Airborne during the invasion of Normandy helps to unveil Mission BBQ 365 N Dupont Hwy, Dover, DE POW/MIA National Chair of Honor.
Jennifer Rambo, (on right) Community Ambassador for Dover's Mission BBQ and Joyce “Angel” Proctor (on left) were instrumental in place this meaningful memorial.
On Friday, May 25, 2018 at Edison High School in Philadelphia, the school that suffered the most casualties in the US during the Vietnam War. Sixty four of there alumni gave their lives for our freedoms with One “still missing”, .CMSgt Samuel F. Walker, USAF.
TSgt. Jose Diaz (Edison JROTC), Dr. Darryrl Johnson (TSgt. US Air Force) and Senior Airmen Terrell Bullock (Edison JROTC)
Members of Merck Sharp & Dohme FCU along with their Veterans Group help to dedicate their second POW/MIA National Chair of Honor at their Collegeville Branch.
Merck Sharp & Dohme FCU 130 West Main Street Trappe, PA 19426
On June 8, 2018 at the Nur Shrine Legion of Honor and Ionic Lodge #31 New Castle, DE there was a POW/MIA National Chair of Honor unveiling dedication along with the Empty Chair Degree.
Members of the Nur Shrine Legion of Honor and Ionic Lodge #31 New Castle, DE
On June 9, 2018, a beautiful Saturday morning in a gorgeous setting at Victory Village Middletown, DE a POW/MIA National Chair of Honor was dedicated thanks to the efforts of Rosely Robinson of 'A Hero's Welcome Delaware'.
Victory Village can house up to 30 male homeless veterans and provide services for many more, this is a project of the National Veterans Assistance Coalition.
A big thank you to all who helped make this possible.
Deb Johnson and The Imagination Players held fundraisers.
Chuck Baldwin drove up to Hussey Seating Company in Maine to pick up this Chair of Honor.
Michelle Williams, Carol Holtmeyer, Rosehill Plantery for the beautiful flowers for the garden
Sharon Russo and Lizzy Phillips planted all of the flower pots and beautified the grounds.
Willey Garden Center for the mulch and Crucifix
Home Depot, Middletown donations for the garden
Jennifer Rambo, Mission BBQ, for providing some great food and support
Aidan Peterson for the playing of TAPS
On Flag Day, June 14, 2018 former Vietnam POW Ralph Galati and Daniel D. Hendee Director/CEO, Corporal Michael J. Crescenz VA Medical Center - Department of Veterans Affairs, Philadelphia, PA unveiled a POW-MIA National Chair of Honor at the MOH Cpl. Michael J. Crescenz VAMC located at 3900 Woodland Ave., Philadelphia, PA.
A special thank you to my VNV M/C and Leatherneck M/C friends for their constant support in placing these POW/MIA National Chairs of Honor.
In his wheel chair 95 year old Private Dominick DeMidio, a paratrooper with Easy Company, 507th parachute infantry regiment, under the 82nd Airborne Division during World War II. Private DeMidio took part in Operation Overlord, parachuting into Normandy France on D-day, where he was eventually captured by the Nazis and subsequently held as a prisoner of war.
On Saturday, September 15, 2018 former POW Pvt. Dominick DeMidio with his wife Rose and his beloved nephew Lou Tomich helped to unviel this POW/MIA Natoional Chair of Honor at the Delaware Veterans Home, 100 Delaware Veterans Blvd. Milford, DE 19963
Mr. Dominick DeMidio passed away November 8, 2018.
“Rest Easy Soldier, We Got The Watch”
Rothman Orthopedic Institute Installed Two POW/MIA Chairs of Honor on POW/MIA Recognition Day, Friday, September 21, 2018.
At 925 Chestnut Street, 5th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19107. “We are truly honored to be participating in this program,” said Alexander R. Vaccaro, MD, PhD, MBA, President of Rothman Orthopedic Institute.
Gina Pino and her staff were the driving force behind placing these meaningful memorials.
The POW/MIA Chair of Honor will remain empty, cordoned off from use with velvet ropes, and include a memorial plaque and the American and POW/MIA flags.
Egg Harbor Township Offices of Rothman Orthopedic Institute
2500 English Creek Avenue, Bldg 1300, Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234
A Chair of Honor is very simple yet POWERFUL, it's a single black chair with the POW/MIA Logo on it which is then flanked by the American Flag and the POW/MIA Flag. Along with the Chair is a plaque that sates since WWII over 82 thousand servicemen remain unaccounted for. This chair is in their honor until they come home.
At Villanova's new Finneran Pavilion the 2018 NCAA College Basketball Champions opened there season November 6, 2018 against Morgan State.
During the second time out they unveiled their POW/MIA National Chair of Honor in Section 207.
Unveiling Villanova's “One Empty Seat” the POW/MIA National Chair of Honor L – R: Jay Galeota Honorary Commander Air Force, Michael Repasky Major Army, Kenneth DeTreux Colonel (retired) Marines and Mark Handley Rear Admiral (retired) Navy.
Final score Villanova 100 Morgan State 77
The Finneran Pavilion, Home Of Villanova Basketball.
After years of fundraising and 17 months of construction the day was finally here. November 7, 2018 was the home opener for the Lady Wildcats.
Unveiling Villanova's “One Empty Seat” in Section 207 the POW/MIA National Chair of Honor
L – R: Kenneth DeTreux Colonel (retired) Marines, LT. Jocelyn Addeo Navy, Sergeant First Class Charles Mills Army, and Jay Galeota Honorary Commander Air Force.
Final score Villanova 59 Hartford 41
Then on November 10, 2018 at Philadelphia's Wells Fargo Center the 2018 NCAA College Basketball Champion Villanova Wildcats unvieled a second “One Empty Seat”, the POW/MIA National Chair of Honor.
Prior to ceremonies Villanova Chaplain Father Rob Hagan blessed this meaningful memorial.
In Section 112, Row 18, Seat 1 retired Navy Captain Joseph G. Lamack a 1987 Villanova grad who served for 26 years unveiled this Chair of Honor.
Final score Villanova 86 Quinnipiac 53
November 9, 2018 at Merck Sharp & Dohme FCU at Merck Manufacturing Division 770 Sumneytown Pike, West Point, PA 19486.
Unveiling this Chair of Honor was David B. Whitehead, CEO who spoke about the meaning of remembering these POW/MIA's and their families..
Members of Merck Sharp & Dohme FCU along with Merck's Veterans Employee Business Resources Group including Dawn Fitzgerald helped to dedicate their third POW/MIA National Chair of Honor at their Merch West Point, PA Branch.
Vietnam Veterans of American Valley Forge Chapter 349 salutes our flag as Taps is played during Arcola Intermediate School ~ Methacton School District Chair of Honor Dedication on February 8, 2019.
Dr. Amy Mangano, Arcola Intermediate School Principal, David Mayan. Veteran and teacher, Eddie McCaffrey. Teacher and Ralph Murgia. Teacher, assembly announcer.
A POW/MIA National Chair Of Honor was unveiled in Winslow Township's Municipal Building on March 12, 2019. Located at 125 South Route 73
Braddock, NJ 08037.
This Chair Of Honor was unveiled by Navy Corpsman Carlos A. Vascos, BSN, RN and Jeanette Toner Schelberg ( a Navy Veteran ) whose brother Cpl. Joseph Francis Toner, MIA - Korea 11/26/50.
In partnership with Rolling Thunder Inc., New Jersey Chapter 2, the Thunder dedicated a special seat in honor of the nearly 82,000 American prisoners of war and soldiers missing in action. Located behind Section 203 in a raised platform, the Chair of Honor will remain unoccupied throughout every game at ARM & HAMMER Park in honor of those service members that cannot be in attendance. Gold Star Parents Patrick and Amy Moore unveiled this meaningful memorial, April 13, 2019. Their son Army Spc. Benjamin G. Moore died in Afghanistan on January 12, 2011 serving during Operation Enduring Freedom.
A special guest of Rolling Thunder Inc., New Jersey Chapter 2, the former spouse Tozia Engleman Romig of “still missing” LTJG Edward Leon Romig Vietnam (June 17, 1966) attended ceremonies with her grandchildren.
On May 1, 2019 at the New Haverford Township Municipal Building another POW/MIA National Chair Of Honor was unveiled by former Vietnam POW Captain Ralph Galati, USAF Retired and former spouse Tozia Engleman Romig of “still missing” LTJG Edward Leon Romig Vietnam (June 17, 1966). A special Thank You to Haverford Twp Police Chief John Viola, Deputy Chief Joe Hagan,
the Haverford High School Chorus and TAPS Bugler: Lilly Pollock.
"One Empty Seat" the POW/MIA National Chair Of Honor Program Haverford Township, May 1, 2019
On May 10, 2019. David B. Whitehead, Merck Sharp & Dohme FCU CEO spoke about remembering our POW/MIA's and their families. Then introduced Heather Evers and her Mother Tozia "Romig" Engleman who is the former spouse of Vietnam MIA LtJG Edward L. Romig, “still missing” in action June 17, 1966.
Heather Evers talked about how her Father became missing in action, what this Chair Of Honor means to the families who still await the return of their loved ones. Heather's brother Joel was born 8/12/1966 just shortly after his Father was declared MIA 6/17/1966.
WILDWOOD - The City of Wildwood will hold a dedication ceremony of POW Chairs of Honor May 16, 2019 at 3 p.m. in the Commissioner’s Meeting Room at City Hall.
According to a release, the POW chair will remain on display at City Hall as a permanent fixture, and a second, folding chair will be displayed at every city-sponsored event.
Mayor Ernie Troiano, Jr. and Vietnam veteran and POW-MIA National Chair of Honor representative Patrick J. Hughes have been in discussions about the POW Chair of Honor project for the past year.
POW Chairs are displayed in remembrance of the over 82,000 soldiers unaccounted for since World War II.
The POW chairs are found around the country on public displays in locations varying from sports stadiums to government buildings.
Former World War II TSgt. Vince Pale whose plane (453 Bomber Group) was shot down, the only survivor and captured becoming a POW for fourteen (14) months in Stalag 17 told of what special meaning this Chair of Honor has for him.
On Flag Day, June 14, 2019 at Rothman Orthopaedics Marlton NJ a POW/MIA Chair Of Honor was dedicated in honor of U.S. Army Corporal Joseph Francis Toner. Jeanette Toner Schelberg, a Navy Veteran and sister of Cpl. Joseph Francis Toner, MIA ~ Korea 11/26/50 speaks about what this means to her and those families who still wait for the return of their loved ones.
This is the fourth POW/MIA National Chair Of Honor that Rothman Orthopaedics has placed. There plan is to place a Chair Of Honor in each of their facilities.
Steve Kellam (American Legion Riders) and Major General Michael R. Berry were unveilers of this meaningful memorial at May B. Leasure Elementary School, 1015 Church Road, Newark, DE on September 10, 2019.
Lizzy Phillips has aspergers, she is one of the most patriotic individuals you will ever meet. Raised by her grandparents (Sharon Russo and John Rowe) since she was 6 months old. This POW/MIA National Chair Of Honor dedication was Lizzy Phillips Girl Scout Gold Award Project.
Since World War II, more than 82,000 soldiers are unaccounted for. This unoccupied chair is dedicated to the memory of these brave men and women
and to the sacrifices each made serving there country.
On September 14, 2019, a POW/MIA National Chair Of Honor was placed at Washington Crossing National Cemetery, 830 Highland Rd, Newtown, PA. This was the First ever dedicated at a National Veterans Cemetery.
Helping with the unvieling were Ralph W. Galati, Captain, United States Air Force, former POW, Shot Down: February 16, 1972, Released: March 28,1973, Tozia "Romig" Engleman the former spouse of Vietnam MIA LtJG Edward L. Romig, missing in action 6/17/1966 and Kelly McKeague, Director, Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency.
This Chair Of Honor is on permanent display at Washington Crossing National Cemetery's Administration building, in the entrance breezeway.
Honored guests L to R: Brian Fitzpatrick, Congressman (R) from PA 1st Congressional district, Heather Evers, daughter of Vietnam MIA LtJG Edward L. Romig, Ralph W. Galati, Captain, United States Air Force, former POW, Tozia "Romig" Engleman, the former spouse of Vietnam MIA LtJG Edward L. Romig, missing in action 6/17/1966 and Kelly McKeague, Director, Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency.
On National POW/MIA Recognition Day 9/20/2019 the first ever in a Harley-Davidson dealership in the state of California a POW/MIA National Chair Of Honor was placed in Harley-Davidson Of Santa Clarita.
Doing the unvieling were Tim Budzien of Harley-Davidson Motor Company and Vietnam Veteran Steven Prager, Rolling Thunder³ Inc. National Chapter
Actor Robert Patrick, owner of Harley-Davidson Of Santa Clarita, CA was the man behind this special way of honoring our "still missing" over 82,000 American service personal.
A POW/MIA Chair Of Honor was unveiled on September 19, 2019.
Ralph W. Galati, Captain, United States Air Force, former POW, Shot Down: February 16, 1972, Released: March 28,1973 helped in the dedication to all “still missing” American service personal, over 81,000.
Delaware County Veterans Memorial Association
4599 West Chester Pike, Newtown Square, PA 19073
Thanks to the generous support of the Claude de Botton family, a plot of land donated to the cause became a monument to military service.
Voorhees, NJ Mayor Michael Mignogna along with Vietnam Marine Richard Schelberg unveil a photo of Voorhees Township POW/MIA National Chair Of Honor on October 21, 2019.
The Schelberg family are pictured with the POW/MIA National Chair Of Honor.
Jeannette Toner Schelberg, a Navy Veteran, is the sister of Cpl. Joseph Francis Toner, MIA - Korea 11/26/50
Rothman Orthopaedic Institutes Natalie Petrongola narrates as Ed Tufaro, Senior VP Rothman Orthopaedic and former Vietnam POW Captain Dave Drummond USAF unveil another POW/MIA Chair Of Honor at their Sewell, NJ offices.
Rothman Orthopaedic Institute has made a commitment to place a POW/MIA National Chair Of Honor at each of their facilities in honor of a “still missing” Prisoner of War.
On November 8, 2019 a Chair and plaque were placed in honor of Vietnam Captain Ronald Leslie Bond [ 9-30-1971 ]
On November 18, 2019 at the Radnor Memorial Library a POW/MIA National Chair Of Honor was dedicated by American Legion Commander Martin Costello, a Vietnam Veteran.
American Legion Anthony Wayne Post #418 holds their meetings at the Radnor Memorial Library 114 West Wayne Avenue, Wayne PA
Rosely Robinson of 'A Hero’s Welcome' has been the leader in the placing of POW/MIA National Chairs Of Honor in the State of Delaware.
On December 16, 2019 at Smyrna High School another Chair Of Honor was unveiled by Col. Mark Hetterly USAF (Ret) and Master Sergeant John Dumas, USAF (Ret)
Smyrna High School DE-942 AFJROTC unveiled their POW/MIA National Chair Of Honor on 12-16-2019
Natalie Rauch, daughter of unaccounted-for Col. Warren Anderson (left), Kelly McKeague, director of the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) (center), and U.S. Navy retired Capt. James Hickerson, former prisoner of war (right), unveil a chair as part of a ceremony at DPAA’s facility on Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii, Feb. 7, 2020. The new stadium-style chair, which will be permanently secured in DPAA’s facility, pays tribute to the more than 81,000 unaccounted for American service members from our nation’s past conflicts. DPAA’s mission is to provide the fullest possible accounting of our missing personnel to their families and the nation. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Leah Ferrante)
DPAA’s facility on Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii, Feb. 7, 2020. The new stadium-style chair, which will be permanently secured in DPAA’s facility, pays tribute to the more than 81,000 unaccounted for American service members from our nation’s past conflicts. DPAA’s mission is to provide the fullest possible accounting of our missing personnel to their families and the nation.
Philadelphia's Edison High School and the POW/MIA National Chair of Honor Program
Edison 64 Veterans Community
Living Memorial To Fallen Edison 64
Grand Opening 2/18/2020
POW/MIA Chair Of Honor Dedication
Edison 64 Veterans Community is more than affordable housing – it is a supportive and stable place to call home – serving to connect the past, present and future for our Veteran community.
The former Edison High School, now repurposed as 66-units of viable housing with enriched services onsite, had the highest casualty rate across America with 64 students never returning from the Vietnam War.
Now, we invite the community to share in the future plans of this living memorial on this day, February 18, 2020 as we celebrate the Grand Opening.
Also a POW/MIA National Chair Of Honor was dedicated in honor of "still missing" student CMSgt Samuel F. Walker USAF.
POW/MIA National Chair Of Honor Dedication At Brian's Harley-Davidson 2/22/2020. Owner Brian S. Bentley along with former Vietnam POW Ralph W. Galati unveiled this meaning memorial.
This POW/MIA Chair Of Honor resides in the Cpl. William F. Bentley Community Room at Brian's Harley-Davidson 600 S. Flowers Mill Road, Langhorne, PA 19047
What A Special Day Saturday, September 19, 2020 was for former Vietnam POW Captain Ralph W. Galati at “The Mess Hall” with the dedication of another POW/MIA National Chair Of Honor.
Ralph had no idea he would have a motorcycle escort, road guards stopping traffic, all the people lined up along Drinker Turnpike waving flags.
Just a beautiful day to honor Ralph for the sacrifices he and other POW’s have made for ‘Our Country’.
The unveiling was done by SP4 Eugene M. Wasczcak, Vietnam Purple Heart (68-71) along with Guest speaker Ralph W. Galati, Captain, U.S.A.F., former POW, Shot Down: 2/16/1972, Released: 3/28/1973.
Kelly Borelli owner of “The Mess Hall” located at 1064 Drinker Turnpike, Moscow, PA made this day possible. Her Dad was a Vietnam Vet. She is one of the most patriotic individual I have ever had the honor to meet.
Dennis Murphy, Marty Costello, Commander of the Anthony Wayne American Legion Post 418 along with other members wanted to pay tribute to one of Radnor’s own “still missing” Warrant Officer Donald D. Burris, Jr. who flew the UH-1Z Huey helicopter in Vietnam. Date of Loss 12/22/1969.
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