Color Guard: Bensalem H.S. Jr. ROTC Beirut Memorial Ceremony Philadelphia, PA 24 October 2021
Thirty Nine years ago Today on October 23, 1983 a total of 241 Marines, Sailors and Soldiers died during the Beirut Lebanon terrorist bombing along with 58 French paratroopers and 6 Lebanese civilians.
“If You Forget Their Deaths . . . . Then They Died in Vain”
This Morning at 10 AM at the Philadelphia Beirut Memorial a service was held to honor their sacrifice for Our Freedom. “If You Forget Their Deaths . . . . Then They Died in Vain”. Cpl. Moses Arnold, Jr., Sgt. John J. Bonk, Jr., Cpl. Thomas A. Hairston, Sgt. Gilbert Hanton, Cpl. John F. Muffler, Sgt. Rafael Pomales-Porres, Pfc. RV-Manuel A. Relvas, Cpl. Louis J. Rotondo and Sgt. Allen D. Wesley. All from Philadelphia.
Benediction: CDR. Reuben I. Abraham
Introduction: William “Liam” J. Kelly Sr. Vice Commandant All Divisions Detachment
Guest Speaker: Major General Clifford L. Stanley, USMC (Ret)
Reading of the names of our Beirut Marines: Charles Trainor ~ All Divisions Commandant
Rifle Salute: Marine Corps League Detachments
Family members placed a Red Rose in honor of their loved one.
As each name was called a bell was rung.
National Anthem ~ TAPS: Dan Fitzpatrick, Smedley Butler MCL Detachment
Bagpipers: Cairngorm Pipes & Drums Ray Exton & Michelle Gallagher
Valley Forge Military Academy & College Band
Photo caption: Upper Darby Marine Corps League Detachment #884
From Left To Right: George Souder, Chuck Krautheim, Harriett Terry Souder, Tom Weaver, Sandra Krautheim, Bob White and John Morris
Leatherneck Nation M/C Tun Tavern Chapter (PA)
Just as the United States Marine Corps is a proud and distinct organization which stands apart from other military organizations, so too, the “Leathernecks” Tun Tavern Chapter Motorcycle Club is a proud and distinct organization of active-duty and former Marines and FMF Corpsmen. We stand apart from, yet not against, other motorcycle clubs. Just as the United States Marine Corps supports God, Country and Marine Corps Brotherhood, so too, the Leathernecks Nation Motorcycle Club supports God, Country and Marine Corps Brotherhood. The “Leathernecks” Tun Tavern Chapter Motorcycle Club is not territorial and claims no territory. We have no need of reputation building. We are not a 1% Club. We are not interested in joining, or interfering with, the affairs of others. We desire only to ride our motorcycles in the company of our brothers. We will never seek to violate anyone’s rights and we expect the same courtesy in return.
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