Welcome Home Blinded Vietnam Marine Cpl. Richard Shaner
The request came from Karen “Shaner” Timmons for a “Welcome Home” for her terminally ill Dad.
Richard Shaner was a member of the Blinded Veteran’s Association and is on the board at the Veteran’s home in Philly
In attendance were the Leathernecks Nation, the Marine Corps League All Divisions Detachment along with the “A Hero's Welcome”, Warriors' Watch Riders and the Patriot Guard Riders.
Richard Shaner’s daughter Karen stated that she felt many Vietnam Vets didn’t get a proper Welcome Home and wanted her Dad to have one before he passes.
Marine Cpl. Richard Shaner was Blinded in Vietnam led us in signing the Marine Corps hymn
A “Welcome Home” plaque from A Hero’s Welcome was presented.
Luis Lucas, Marine in Dress Blues is from the Marine Corps League All Divisions Detachment
In attendance were the Leathernecks Nation, the Marine Corps League All Divisions Detachment along with the “A Hero's Welcome”, Warriors' Watch Riders and the Patriot Guard Riders.
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