''We Will Never Forget''

Dignified Transfer ~ Arlington Full Honors Burial of 1st Lt Justin Green Mills U.S.M.C. 26 May 2021

On 3 November 1942, as a Platoon Leader, he encountered vigorous opposition from the Japanese Army but pushed forward in the face of machine gun, mortar and point-blank 37 mm gunfire. He succeeded in capturing and holding his objective in the Solomon Islands. He was then promoted to First Lieutenant and was awarded the Silver Star.

1st Lt Justin Green Mills was “Killed in Action” on Nov. 20, 1943 in the Battle of Tarawa. The battle took place during World War II on the Island of Betio in the Tarawa Atoll in the Gilbert Islands in the Pacific Ocean. First Lieutenant Mills was 25 years old and was from Galveston, Texas and was the grandson of G.W. Mills, one of the original trail drivers of Texas. To his fellow Marines, he was known as “Tex”.

The Battle of Tarawa occurred from 20 November 1943 and ended on 23 November 1943. In the battle, over 1000 Marines and sailors were “Killed in Action” and over 2000 were injured.

In 2014, the History Flight discovered a grave on Beto Island with the remains of several Marines. They were sent to the lab and with the help of DNA from his niece Janet Anderson Cook and other medical tests, First Lieutenant Mills was positively identified on 9 August 2019.

Dignified Transfer of 1st Lt Justin Green Mills U.S.M.C. MIA Betio, Tarawa KIA | November 20, 1943
1st Lt Justin Mills Silver Star recipient laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery 26 May 2021