Mark Ormrod is a Marine of 8 years standing. Born in the West Country he describes himself as stubborn with a love of Chinese take-away. During a tour in Afghanistan in 2007 Mark was severely injured losing both legs and his right arm. Since then his courage and determination to get on with life has provided an inspiration to many others, including all those involved in the Gumpathon. He has written a book about his experiences called 'Man Down' which was published in 2009 and is now attached to the new Hasler Company which will provide bespoke support for injured Marines.

Mark Ormrod is a Marine of 8 years standing. Born in the West Country he describes himself as stubborn with a love of Chinese take-away. During a tour in Afghanistan in 2007 Mark was severely injured losing both legs and his right arm. Since then his courage and determination to get on with life has provided an inspiration to many others, including all those involved in the Gumpathon. He has written a book about his experiences called 'Man Down' which was published in 2009 and is now attached to the new Hasler Company which will provide bespoke support for injured Marines.