Ralph W. Galati was the featured speaker on Saturday, Oct. 15. He spoke of the time when many Vietnam veterans were cursed at and spat upon here in the states when they came home from the war. They couldn’t wear their uniforms on leave because of the insults of “baby killer,” “drug addict” or “warmonger.” Some concealed their past military service when applying for jobs because of prejudice and mistrust, he said.  He’s glad that those attitudes have changed.

Ralph W. Galati was the featured speaker on Saturday, Oct. 15. He spoke of the time when many Vietnam veterans were cursed at and spat upon here in the states when they came home from the war. They couldn’t wear their uniforms on leave because of the insults of “baby killer,” “drug addict” or “warmonger.” Some concealed their past military service when applying for jobs because of prejudice and mistrust, he said. He’s glad that those attitudes have changed.