Throughout these years of struggle, The Chapel of Four Chaplains has never faltered in any of its efforts. The lack of a chapel building forced us to see the chapel as more of a movement than a place. Our focus has become less upon where we are and more upon what we do. It has been a productive time. Our State Chaplains have held ceremonies in every state to honor citizens who have done exemplary service in their communities. The Legion of Honor Award is better recognized nationally now than it has ever been. More communities than ever before observe Four Chaplains Services each February.<br />Our Youth Programs have grown by leaps and bounds. We couldn’t be at a better place for a new beginning.

Throughout these years of struggle, The Chapel of Four Chaplains has never faltered in any of its efforts. The lack of a chapel building forced us to see the chapel as more of a movement than a place. Our focus has become less upon where we are and more upon what we do. It has been a productive time. Our State Chaplains have held ceremonies in every state to honor citizens who have done exemplary service in their communities. The Legion of Honor Award is better recognized nationally now than it has ever been. More communities than ever before observe Four Chaplains Services each February.
Our Youth Programs have grown by leaps and bounds. We couldn’t be at a better place for a new beginning.