Chief Special Warfare Operator (SEAL) Kevin A. Houston, 36, of West Hyannisport, Mass., was remembered as a kind and gregarious man who lived his dream when he joined the elite force. <br />Some 25 years ago, a fifth-grade teacher in Massachusetts asked student Joe Kennedy to greet a new transfer student from San Jose. The California kid, Kevin Houston, walked up to Kennedy and said: “Hi, I’m Kevin. I’m going to be a Navy SEAL.”<br />Houston was born to be a member of the military’s most elite squad, overcoming a series of hurdles that would have made a lesser man falter, his friends and family recalled.

Chief Special Warfare Operator (SEAL) Kevin A. Houston, 36, of West Hyannisport, Mass., was remembered as a kind and gregarious man who lived his dream when he joined the elite force.
Some 25 years ago, a fifth-grade teacher in Massachusetts asked student Joe Kennedy to greet a new transfer student from San Jose. The California kid, Kevin Houston, walked up to Kennedy and said: “Hi, I’m Kevin. I’m going to be a Navy SEAL.”
Houston was born to be a member of the military’s most elite squad, overcoming a series of hurdles that would have made a lesser man falter, his friends and family recalled.