'In Memory' plaque was created to pay tribute to those who died as a result of the Vietnam War, but who do not meet Department of Defense criteria to have their names added to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Every year there is a ceremony to pay tribute to these men and women who sacrificed so much for their country. During the 'In Memory'  Day ceremony, the names of all the honorees are read aloud. At the conclusion of the ceremony, certificates bearing the honorees' names are placed at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. The tributes are collected by the National Park Service and stored in a permanent archive. In addition, the honorees are included in an 'In Memory' Honor Roll Book to serve as a lasting reminder of their service and sacrifices.

'In Memory' plaque was created to pay tribute to those who died as a result of the Vietnam War, but who do not meet Department of Defense criteria to have their names added to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Every year there is a ceremony to pay tribute to these men and women who sacrificed so much for their country. During the 'In Memory' Day ceremony, the names of all the honorees are read aloud. At the conclusion of the ceremony, certificates bearing the honorees' names are placed at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. The tributes are collected by the National Park Service and stored in a permanent archive. In addition, the honorees are included in an 'In Memory' Honor Roll Book to serve as a lasting reminder of their service and sacrifices.